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Ramana Maharshi was a renowned Indian sage and spiritual teacher

Ramana Maharshi was a renowned Indian sage and spiritual teacher who emphasized the practice of self-inquiry as a means to attain self-realization and liberation. Self-inquiry, also known as "atma-vichara" in Sanskrit, is a method of self-examination that leads to the direct experience of one's true nature.

In the video you shared, Ramana Maharshi's teachings on self-inquiry can be summarized as follows:

1. The Nature of the Self: Ramana Maharshi taught that the true Self, referred to as "I" or "I am," is the fundamental essence of our being. It is eternal, unchanging, and beyond the limitations of the body and mind.

2. Identification with the Ego: He emphasized that the primary obstacle to self-realization is the identification with the ego, the false sense of individuality and separation. The ego creates the illusion of being a separate entity with personal desires, fears, and attachments.

3. Practice of Self-Inquiry: Ramana Maharshi prescribed self-inquiry as the means to transcend the ego and realize one's true nature. It involves turning one's attention inward and asking the question, "Who am I?" By contemplating this question deeply and sincerely, one seeks to trace the source of the "I" thought back to its origin.

4. Direct Experience: Through self-inquiry, Ramana Maharshi encouraged seekers to shift their focus from thoughts, emotions, and external objects to the subject of awareness itself. By investigating the nature of the "I" thought, one can experience the pure awareness that underlies all mental activity.

5. Dissolution of the Ego: The sustained practice of self-inquiry eventually leads to the dissolution of the ego and the realization of one's true Self. This realization is not an intellectual understanding but a direct experience of unity, peace, and transcendence.

Ramana Maharshi's teachings on self-inquiry have inspired countless seekers on the spiritual path. By engaging in the practice of self-inquiry, individuals can gradually shed their false identifications, recognize their true nature, and abide in the state of pure awareness.

Image source: Google

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