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Join the Conscious Circle Melbourne: Embark on an Introspective Journey

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

Are you yearning to explore the depths of self-abidance and tap into the boundless realms of consciousness? Look no further! The Conscious Circle has helped our team at Holytours on an introspective journey towards ultimate happiness, bliss, and immortality.

In the realm of self-abidance, the greatest truth is revealed as you leave your identity behind. Here, the knower and the knowing merge, and mind and heart unite, bringing you in harmony with cosmic consciousness. It is an absolute reality that transcends the physical world.

The Conscious Circle serves as a supportive space, nurturing growth and understanding along this path of self-discovery through their nature. It supports those who seek truth, and your longing for truth is the only condition to enter this infinite consciousness circle. It remains unaffected by space or time, always fresh and available to those who are open to its teachings.

My dear friend, all truth-seekers are warmly welcomed into the Conscious Circle. Whether you seek to find your way back home, experience ultimate happiness and bliss, overcome fear, or embrace immortality now, this circle is here for you. If anything within resonates deeply, it's a sign to embark on this transformative journey.

Begin your exploration of self-abidance, conscious living, and the profound connection with cosmic consciousness.

Click the link below to start your journey:

Image Source: Google

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